Lockdown south africa 2020
Lockdown south africa 2020

lockdown south africa 2020

In the domestic sphere, perceptions that a woman has transgressed gendered sex-role expectations may cause tensions and arguments that turn violent (Brear & Bessarab, 2012 Brümmer, 2012 Gibbs et al., 2020 Gqola, 2015 Struthers & Meyer, 2012).

lockdown south africa 2020

A 2013 study conducted by Gender Links in four provinces reported that a large proportion of men (Gauteng 78% Limpopo 48% Western Cape 35% and Kwa-Zulu Natal 41%) admitted to committing some form of violence against women in their lifetime (see, Mpani & Nsibande, 2015). Sexual assault also increased by 8.2% from 6271 to 6786. Police records (Brodie, 2020) show that nearly 3000 women were killed in South Africa in 2017/2018, an increase of 11% from the previous year. South Africa reports a high femicide rate, which is five times the global average (Mathews et al., 2014). Studies by organisations such as the Medical Research Council and Gender Links report that 1 in 4 adult women in the general population have experienced gender-based violence (see, Mpani & Nsibande, 2015). Gender-based violence against women is endemic in South Africa (Borer, 2009 Durbach, 1999 Gqola, 2015 Plaatje, 2007). Gender-based violence is complex and refers to a vast range of violations perpetrated against women in defence of patriarchal traditional values, gendered hierarchy and sex-role expectations that uphold society’s control over feminine and gender-nonconforming persons (Grootboom, 2016 Kiguwa et al., 2015 Mazars et al., 2013 Mkhize et al., 2010 Mpani, 2015). The South African society has one of the highest rates of gender-based violence against women in the world (Durbach, 1999 Gender Links & Medical Research Council, 2011 Jewkes et al., 2010 Mpani, 2015 Plaatje, 2007). The risk of the domesticated poly-violence during crisis periods could be averted by focussing on risk reduction for all forms of violations against women. The increased risk of gender-based domestic violence during the lockdown is indicative of poly-violence that women are exposed to. Some organisations offered online and telephone services.

lockdown south africa 2020

Some victims of domestic violence struggled with public transportation to access informal help, visit the police, social workers and other sources of help. Informal sources of help for victims of abuse were limited due to closed economic activities, and community-based helping services for domestic violence were not permitted to open. Public life, which is frequently a coping mechanism and an escape for some women and girls at risk of domestic violence, was curtailed by the lockdown rules that forbade movements. This measure inadvertently created social distance and social disconnection. Covid-19 lockdown encouraged spatial distance: a public health measure. In South Africa, an increased risk for gender-based domestic violence against women during the lockdown period was reported by various sources including the national gender-based violence call centre (GBVCC), the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the civil society. Globally, increased domestic violence against women during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns concerned researchers, policymakers, governments and the civil society.

Lockdown south africa 2020